Saturday, February 26, 2011

My sabbatical projects: an update.

Since the new semester has begun, I have been working away at my sabbatical projects, but I sure have been missing everyone at Saint Mike's!

I am currently working on several projects at once: my book project, project work for our teacher institutes through the Turning Points in American History grant, and training my new puppy Max!

My book project is going well and I am on schedule to complete my manuscript by the summer. I am looking forward to finishing this work because I am already thinking about the next research/writing project!
The grant project is also going well with two teacher institutes already under our belt. As the project historian I have been developing reading lists and consulting with the project managers on their web site.
But the most fun has been hanging out with Max!
Max is a cairn terrier, six months old, and, as you can see here, he loves the snow! I believe he thinks he's Nanook of the North! It's a good thing he likes the cold with all the snow storms we've been getting. I'm getting nostalgic for spring flowers myself......

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